

湾大学 is more than a community college. It is home to thousands of students each year, a place for personal growth and inspiration, 劳动力培训中心, and an engaging community hub open to all. 海湾就是道路!


它始于一个梦想和10万美元的遗赠,在密歇根州的埃斯卡纳巴建立了一所大专. 经过多年的讨论, a feasibility study confirmed the need and the community voted on November 6, 1962, 建立一所地方学院. Bay de Noc Community College (commonly known as 湾大学) was born. 1963年秋天,在空出的埃斯卡纳巴高中(Escanaba High School),经过有限的翻新和资源,学校开始上课. Bay’s first President even taught a class in his office. 第一学期有133名全日制学生和100名非全日制学生注册,学费为每学分5美元.

1965年的第一批毕业生获得了36个副学士学位和25个护理证书. Norsemen intercollegiate sports debuted in 1968 and many student clubs were created, 包括《dzc澳门电子城》. 随着项目的增加,入学人数翻了两番,扩大规模的需求显而易见. After consideration of five final sites, a Science-Technical building was constructed in 1969 on the new 150-acre North Campus, a plot gifted from the City of Escanaba and ancestral land of the Anishinaabe people.


Campus boomed with enrollment fall 1970, at 700 students, doubling through the decade. From modest beginnings and a limited curriculum, 湾学院根据当地社区的需要,扩大了课程设置, 获得认证, 免除老年人的学费, expanded student activities including Battle of the Bands in the cafeteria, and hosted the first Native American pow wow on campus. Campus buildings were constructed including the Catherine Bonifas, 体育馆, 学生中心, 公寓, 和实践 & 美术(现为卫生) & 技术). Four-person apartments rented for $75 per month.

在寻求资源的过程中,一个重要的合作伙伴是Bay de Noc社区学院基金会. 该基金会, established in 1972 as an independent 501(c)3 non-profit corporation, exists solely to support the educational needs of 湾大学. 在完成使命的过程中, 个人的私人捐赠, 家庭, 组织和企业支持学生奖学金和基金,以推动学习环境. Four student scholarships were developed and awarded the first year. 多年来, 对教育的投资有所增加, 建筑, programs added and scholarships awarded, 现在每年奖学金超过300个,总额超过50万美元,以帮助学生减少经济缺口. 


dzc澳门电子城因其卓越的教学和丰富的学习而在该地区闻名, serving thousands of credit and non-credit students each year. 学院继续其提供职业课程和职业技术教育的传统,旨在为学生提供直接进入劳动力市场的技能. 转学课程和项目也扩大了,允许学生在dzc澳门电子城开始他们的高等教育和探索职业兴趣, 后来完成学士学位, 主, and professional degree programs at partnering universities.

随着便携式电脑的出现, 湾大学 added its first computer lab in 1982, 加上一个新的图书馆, known as the Learning Resource Center in 1986. This brought new study spaces and expansion to campus. 校园一片繁荣. 证书和学位课程的增加是为了满足当地劳动力的增长和需求. Bay also expanded its regional footprint in Dickinson County, offering full degree programs starting with nursing. 为了应对增长, a 25-acre parcel of land was generously donated to 湾大学, and with the help of the Dickinson County local and state funding, a beautiful new campus in Iron Mountain was built and opened fall 2007.


随着科技的发展, 湾大学 launched its first college website, 电子邮件帐户, 管理信息系统, automating and integrating registration, 金融援助, 招生, 以及业务流程, including online registration and student access. 1999年,公司增加了互动电视教室,并开设了第一个在线学习课程, 修辞 & 作文. 两年内, 湾大学 offered 25 online courses and became a national leader in online learning. The first federal TRiO grant was awarded providing over 150 first-generation, 为低收入学生提供额外支持.

约瑟夫·海尔曼大学中心于1998年在当地选民的支持下成立. 这给了海湾学生和社区成员完成大学学位的机会,同时留在该地区. The Center also offers conference space on campus for internal and community use, and is home to Lake Superior State University’s (LSSU) Escanaba Center. 基督教青年会搬到校园,提供娱乐节目和室内游泳池. 湾书院由计算机辅助设计学生制造的世界上最大的三轮车,进入1998年的吉尼斯世界纪录, followed by many years of records including the world’s largest skateboard, 溜溜球, 高尔夫球座.


The new century rang in many changes at 湾大学, including a new torch logo and the first female president. Bay opened doors to the initial Michigan Technical Education Center, 主持40余人,000 visits each year within a variety of conference, 继续教育, 技术培训, 以及为整个上半岛的工作年龄成年人提供专业发展机会. 2003年秋季,迪金森县的班级搬到了卡彭特大道的一个更大的设施,有432名学生入学.

主校区首次推出约翰 & 梅丽莎·贝斯表演艺术中心于2008年获得了数百万美元的慷慨馈赠. The Besse Center became the main entrance to campus, hosts a vast array of events including concerts, 演讲者, 喜剧演员, 电影, 还有表演,包括巨大的画廊空间,展示引人入胜的艺术展览. dzc澳门电子城拥有世界著名的罗伯特·艾迪生艺术收藏和广泛的永久艺术收藏,部分是由dzc澳门电子城基金会捐赠的. 学生服务中心进行了翻新,食堂变成了一个更友好的学生空间, 咖啡馆湾. The Besse 娱乐 Complex was constructed, 增设社区足球场, walking trails and a labyrinth on campus.


Record enrollment dawned in the year 2010 with 2,811 students and tuition approached $100 per credit hour. 与工作补助金倡议, 国家资助和私人捐赠, the learning environment at 湾大学 was recreated to advance student success. 补充说明, co-advising, 开放教育资源(OER), 一个数字图形艺术实验室, 并增加了一个医疗保健模拟中心,配备了高保真度的患者训练模型. Career tech programs expanded with the addition of welding space and simulation, 机械手臂, mechatronics/robotics and EMT/paramedic programs, online water 技术 courses and more. Escanaba校区的中心进行了翻新,以容纳学生支持服务和图书馆, 现在是HUB. 这包括一个外部庭院,里面有本地植物、雕塑和退伍军人纪念碑. 数学科学大楼增加了互动教室、现代化实验室和学习空间. 铁山校区增加了一个学生成功中心和与Escanaba校区相连的技术教室.

50 years of success were celebrated in fall 2012 with a Birthday Bash and Golden Gala. 两年后,一个新的标志被引入,代表了该地区的当地地理和学生的旅程, replacing the torch logo of years past. Team spirit was revived in 2017 with the reintroduction of athletics; 湾大学 once again became home of the Norse. The gymnasium was renovated and renamed the Physical Education Complex (PEC). 两个校区都禁烟了,并建立了食品储藏室,以帮助最大限度地减少食品不安全.


领先的 through a global pandemic starting in March 2020, 需要付出巨大的努力来快速适应教学模式,使学生能够完成课程,并继续远程开展业务. Bay’s commitment to our local and regional healthcare partners did not waver during this time of crisis; the College shared needed nursing equipment and delivered healthcare programs when our community needed trainings the most, including certified nursing and medical assistant programs. 联邦资金用于与冠状病毒相关的重大基础设施建设,包括自动化, 技术, 空气处理, 安全, 学生宿舍. 20年后,劳动力培训整合在校园内,该设施成为基督教青年会的新家. Indoor and outdoor campus spaces were rejuvenated, strengthening belonging and branding the 湾大学 spirit.


Bay是一所排名第一的学院,也是全国公认的实现梦想领袖学院,因为教职员工围绕学生成功的卓越工作. 与高中合作, 大学和商业伙伴不断发展,以满足社区教育需求和经济扩张. This includes expanding high school dual-enrollment course offerings, 中学早期大学伙伴关系, university agreements for seamless transfer, 以能力为基础的证书,加上先前学习的学分,以快速跟踪职业发展, 劳动力培训, 全面的服务, 和浓缩编程. Bay has a strong history of success and a stronger future as your community college.

一切都在使命中:  学生的成功. 社区的成功. 成功文化.